Bookish Superpowers I Wish I Had



This is my contribution to this week's Top Ten Tuesday prompt, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I thought it was such a fun topic and I had so many different answers!

So here are the bookish superpowers I wish I had:

  1. Forgetting every detail of my favorite books so I can re-read them over and over again and experience that first-time feeling each time.
  2. Remembering all the details from the previous book when reading a sequel, so that I never miss a beat and don't feel like I have to re-read.
  3. Speed reading without compromising my absorption of the story. This would be very helpful in tackling the ever-growing TBR pile with a ton of efficiency!
  4. Resizing the font of physical books, making them more comfortable to read.
  5. As someone who struggles to picture characters or scenes in my head like a movie, the gift of vivid visualization to bring those stories to life in my mind's eye would be amazing.
  6. Instantly turning all my favorite books into movies or television shows with my own cast, writers, and directors of choice. Similarly, I'd love to turn all my favorite movies into well-written books.
  7. Seeing through books before even reading them, giving me a glimpse into whether it's something I'd enjoy or DNF. That sure would make my life easier!
  8. Experiencing my favorite worlds and characters in-person, as if I could step into the pages and immerse myself in their reality. I'd love to befriend some of my favorite characters and I would especially would not mind tasting all the yum foods often described in books. And hey, it sure would be nice to experience the kind of romance that happens in fiction! 😉
  9. The power to imaginatively rewrite plotlines, characters, and endings for books, creating alternative versions that satisfy my curiosity about "what if" scenarios.
  10. Getting my favorite authors to write exactly the hyper-specific story arc, characters, and romance tropes that I want, in their own writing style.
  11. BONUS: Immediately putting my thoughts on a book into a coherent review without having to write a single word myself!
Did any of my superpowers feature in your lists? Please drop a link to yours so I can read all your fun answers too! 😊


  1. There are some fantastic ideas in here that hadn't occurred to me! Like being able to step into books and experience the world - I would also love to befriend some of my favourite characters, and eating food featured in some of the books I've read would be YUM! I also love the idea of instantly creating a movie or TV show out of a book you're reading with the casting you want. This is something I would absolutely love to be able to do!! Great list!

  2. I really love these ideas! There's a few that made my list, and quite a few that surprised me with how useful they'd be and that I'm kicking myself for not thinking to include on my own list. I especially like the idea of being able to step into your favorite worlds and live some of their experiences! And I remember only recently learning that not everyone reads and visualizes the story like a movie in their head, and being shocked to never have known about that before.

  3. I love the idea of knowing instantly whether I am going to enjoy a book or not. I've picked up so many books over the years that in retrospect were probably a waste of time.

  4. I love all of these, but #4 is such a great one. I know that one day I'll have to switch to ebooks for this feature, at least sometimes, because I already feel the strain in my beloved vintage mass-market paperbacks (advice to my past self: read them as soon as you get them! use your fresh teenage eyes for something better than surface-level YA!).


with love,
